For a man who cannot stomach violence, maybe because I am afraid of being clobbered or that I cannot fight, I find this idea quite interesting. How does a grown-up man, with 32 teeth fight a fellow man over a girl? It was an embarrassing scene, men in clean, white shirts rolling on the ground, on top of each other, exchanging blows and hurling unprintables, and the girls watched, aghast, at these men who would become their husbands, boys who would become their boyfriends. Children were cheering the two grownups, and I pity them, for I know not where they will hide their faces when they have to traverse these streets again.
Come to think of it, I believe it is time we got our priorities straight and stopped fighting over fickle things. There are ways to solve conflict, without having to involve arms. As man grows up, he gains intellect, sheds off his young and stupid self, and with it, foolish behaviour departs. Taking a look at matters today however, some of these illicit behaviours seem to remain, or at least residues of it. Some people seem to crystallize at the same spot, still urged on by primal desires. The best means, which is also the ‘cowardly’ way out is to walk away and you will be so proud of yourself when the adrenaline is over and done with.
It is true, man is an inherent animal, but I believe that we are way beyond some Neanderthal traits. It is time people fought the right way. And who said that ladies find it cool when men exchange blows over them? Many will find it amusing, but you get no hero points after that, just crude looks and plenty of guilt, for what is the good in splitting your lip over someone who will find you quite uncouth and obnoxious after you laying your life, and your beauty on the line? At the end of the day, my view is that, if you have to fight for someone, let it wait till your adrenaline has gone down, and your animalistic desires have been replaced by sense, then fight. There is nothing as liberating in life as approaching an issue with a sober and enlightened mind.


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