Break me again
Assailed I am, with a cold yearning for someone, who sees me not, and thinks not of me. In love I am, with a memory of what once was. In love with the past that bound my hands and feet, tied a millstone round my neck, and sought to throw me into the sea. I have returned to the barren wasteland where we once dwelled, where our dreams once sought to take root, only that now I am alone. I am the only one, lost in the maze of things, for she moved on long before I did, long before I even fell in love. She won the race, before I even began. She broke off into a sprint, before I was even ready to jog. But such is love, long teeth, fangs that sink into your heart, rob you blind and leave you in turmoil, a bull that assails you, a fire that burns inside. So to cinders, let me burn. Let it scorch me, my yearning. Here in this darkness, I bow in supplication to the memories of you. Take me back to the love we had, to the love we lost. Reignite the demons of what we once loved, of your fingers digging into my back, of your teeth biting my lips till I bled. Remind me of the moments when we loved till we hated, laughed till we wept, the moments we lost.
You created in me a fire that licked away at all my desires. Yet I still need you. Yet I still yearn for the stick that landed on my straight back, and left me paralyzed. Yet I still crave for the hot nail that cauterized my wound. Burn me again, for I love like a child, with too short a memory to carry grudges, too blind an eye to see the pitfalls. Help me, make me fall, and break my legs. Then maybe when I get up, I shall learn to love like a sceptic, to approach with caution, and I shall learn not to test the depths with both feet. Maybe then I shall know that I am but a mule planning a riot, but when I see the carrot and the whip, I wear my yoke. I am that dog that craves freedom, but I sleep right next to my leash. Maybe I shall not be free, until I realize that I am your slave. Maybe I shall not be healed until I learn that I am hurting, so save me, love, break me again.


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