
Showing posts from January, 2019
Break me again Assailed I am, with a cold yearning for someone, who sees me not, and thinks not of me. In love I am, with a memory of what once was. In love with the past that bound my hands and feet, tied a millstone round my neck, and sought to throw me into the sea. I have returned to the barren wasteland where we once dwelled, where our dreams once sought to take root, only that now I am alone. I am the only one, lost in the maze of things, for she moved on long before I did, long before I even fell in love. She won the race, before I even began. She broke off into a sprint, before I was even ready to jog. But such is love, long teeth, fangs that sink into your heart, rob you blind and leave you in turmoil, a bull that assails you, a fire that burns inside. So to cinders, let me burn. Let it scorch me, my yearning. Here in this darkness, I bow in supplication to the memories of you. Take me back to the love we had, to the love we lost. Reignite the demons of what we once loved, of