Someday I shall be old
Someday I will be old, and I shall look back at my life, at the seed I planted, of the crops I cultivated. I shall close my eyes and sink into the memories of the time when it was all bliss. I shall remember a time when I never saw worry creep over from the distant sea, finding me on the shore. I shall look back at the times of play, a time of joy, a time when I was lost, but I never saw it, even though everyone did.
I shall remember of the times when I could climb the hills and swim the oceans, a time when noise was what gave me life, long before my ears turned deaf, and the sun turned me to wax. Someday I shall be old, and I shall see the pitfalls, the traps that were laid, by they that seek prey, they that sought to consume me whole, and maybe I shall regret, that I could not jump in time, that I could not run as fast, and maybe I shall laugh, that the pain made me whole, and that a lesson I learnt would never leave, and I could never forget the scar on my face.
Someday I shall be old, and the folly of my youth will be behind me, and maybe then I shall see the sense in what my father said, and I shall understand the pain of she that broke my heart. Someday, time will make me old, and I shall start the cycle, of telling what I was told, imparting what was imparted to me, and making the children listen to what I refused to
Someday I shall be old, and I shall forgive old scores, and all those who weighed down my heart. I shall set free, the birds that I have trapped in the cage, and I shall reopen the jail gates in my heart, and all that I had imprisoned would tumble out, to enjoy their years in the setting sun. I will sit in my gazebo, full of hope, that they that I had lost will find a way back, and that all I had deceived would learn the truth about life.
Someday when I will be old, I will not allow myself to rue, for I would be too old for that, too old for regret, and I shall not cry, for I would be too old for tears. I shall take in my last sunrise, and drown in the last sunset, and they shall bury me next to the love of my life, who left when I was still young at heart, and at body, who left me when the sun was still high.


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