
What do you know of peace when all you speak of is war? What do you know about living when all you do is hanging of hoops and sharpening of knives? What do you know of harmony when all your time is spent in the forges preparing thy tongue? You are not a warrior for peace. You are a messenger of impunity. You are not an object of love. You are one of sorrow and sadness. I saw your mother, and she was weeping, oh Jabez, you were born with pain, and your name was that of anguish. You have suffered, and you have borne a heavy load. Oh Jabez, she weeps that you broke her heart, and your conception tore her in two. Thou art cursed, and your life shall be like that of a runaway bitch. You shall be kicked and insulted. You shall be the child of the dark, born and bathed in bile and sterile ash. You were born of hips that refused to yield you. While others were born among feathers, you were delivered on the cold and crowded floor. Oh Jabez, thy name means grief.
Oh Jabez, the hunter of men. I see your eyes glowing with murder, as you narrow in on your kill. Your fingers are itching with malice, as you smell the blood of your prey, backed into a corner. Oh look at your hair, full of lice, and your fingers red with the blood of ticks. Your feet are laden with jiggers, and you mouth is full of maggots. Oh Jabez, you are a disgrace. You are an animal, you are a beast. From the lips of men, thou shall receive a curse, that you shall carry like a bag of sand on your neck until time comes round. You shall know no peace. You shall wander the world like a lost soul. You shall die like a dog, and be buried among barren rocks, and your name and face will be scarred, and forever remembered. Your grave shall never be marked, and your stories shall never go cold. They shall remember you always, Jabez, the child of pain, the child of bitterness. They shall speak of you, to warn the children, and to fill the hearts of the old with dread. Jabez, someday you shall die, and what will be left of you will be tales, that shall be told in whispers and gossips. You were born in the dark, and so you shall die in the dark.


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