Tonight I die next to you

Together we have had a life that we’ve loved, of good and of bad, of kisses and of slaps, of pillows and stones. Together we have walked the long road through life, and we have drunk of its bitter cup, and have seen the sweet nectars of life. We have been through it all, and never let go of each other, so pray for me, in the hour of my death, as I did in yours, for tonight, I die next to you.
What would life be if love long left our sight, and we have nothing else to love? What would it be if all you leave behind is darkness and strife? I have tried to grope through, but I grab at nothing but darkness, I find nothing but nightmares, if they told me to take immortality, I would gladly refuse. If they said to hand the world to me on a silver platter, I would refuse. I am afraid of darkness on that other side, and the emptiness, and the loneliness, but I had better fight darkness with you there than have all the light in the world alone. Oh this barrenness, and vanity, all these troubled thoughts and feelings, all these tears and all this pain. Oh you have gone, and I am left, but only for now, love, for tonight, I shall die next to you. So even as I take a look at the shining marble bearing your name, of the fresh flowers to remind me of your face, and of the fresh breeze to remind me of the times, I shall fear not, I shall fret not, for I know that fear shall be no more, and darkness shall cease to be, for thou art with me. I am not afraid, for I know of a hand that is tirelessly waiting, for me to cross over to the other side, so that we can carry on with life, and carry on with it in abundance. I have no fear, love, I have none at all, for tonight, I shall die next to you.
I hear this sad song, that shall not cease to play in my mind, and my heart is filled with fear and longing, with joy and sorrow, with strife and freedom, with grief and happiness. I can hear your whisper right behind the curtains, even as I kick my way out, and into. I fear, love, I fear, but soothe me with your soft song, and comfort me with your reassuring touch, for this night, I am dying next to you.


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