Curst be it
Thunder and lightning strike inside mine eyes. Those red clouds above are inside my eyes, and the searing flames are in my shoulder holster. Curst be it, curst be him, who receives the sharp end of my spear tonight. Curst be him, who hears of my song tonight, and curst be he too, who sees my shadow crawl into the evening. The walls are breaking; oh the river is breaking her banks. Run and hide behind thy dykes. Take thy wives and children and shield them with vanity, for the water is coming in, fast and full of fury. I have served enough time in thy prison, and I have lost enough time behind the walls. So let it be cursed, the day we met. Let it go down in history, the day our paths crossed, as the day my world came to an end. Let it go up in flames, the memories we forged. Let misfortunes land upon that day, and like a swarm of ravenous locusts, let it consume the day as it was, eat it whole and the tatters too. Let it tear apart and float in desecrated wind like a forgotten flag. Yes, let it be like a forgotten flag, a forlorn island, a marooned sailor. Let you be buried without honour, and let your name disappear into thin air, and so for those after you and before you. Let thy name become dust, to be trampled upon by sinners of the world, by mules and horses, and the naked soles of marching slaves. Let it be declared barren, every land you step into. Let it be set apart, for the lepers and the outcasts. Let the trees you plant in your land wither and die. Let your orchards bloom with ill and misfortune. Let your progeny bring forth disease and misfortune. Let them be eunuchs and servants of your worst enemies. Oh I pray that you weep, like you made me weep. I pray that you gnash your teeth, just like you made me gnash my teeth. Let sorrow pitch a tent at thy door, and like the horse of Troy, let the carrier of ill fortune dock at thy door. Let there be plagues, of frogs of flies and of gnats. Let there be of blood, of boils and of darkness. Let you be plunged neck first into the cauldrons of disaster. May you never know love, and let your heart be filled with hate like it always has been. May you never know joy and your heart be filled with grief.  Today I revisit all your sins. I walk back on the road you walked, putting my feet into the prints you left. Today I walk back, onto the trails you walked, and I shall find all your sins and bring them forward to the light. I shall find and unearth all your transgressions and put them on the scales of justice. I remember it all today but as for you, no, you are forgotten. Alas, the waters are breaking. Is it the river or thy pregnant wife? Ah, I see, curst be it, the product of thy loins. Let it be castrated, be null and void. Curst it is the day, and curst is you, who harnessed it and rode into my world.


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