
Showing posts from October, 2017
Anarchy He littered the streets, upset the tables and threw them all onto the floor. He snatched morsels from the children’s mouth, and grabbed the last of bones from the stray mutts on the road. He walked through to the city in the sun, and turned off the sun. He stormed into the hearts of men, and replaced manhood with the nature of beasts. He carried in his hands the gift of disease and pestilence, and he ushered into the door a new age, the age of the traitorous, of hunger and greed. Parents hide from their children to eat in the dark praying they hear not a crunch and wake. Infants and toddlers hang on to withered breasts, and careless whispers become a death sentence. Oh it no longer is a town with people but ghosts. Dissidents tip-toe across the streets, carrying with them wordless words and accusations, whispering into the night to unhearing ears and unseeing eyes.  When the children of the town were young, they prayed for joy in life, but when sorrow knocked their doors, the
Curst be it Thunder and lightning strike inside mine eyes. Those red clouds above are inside my eyes, and the searing flames are in my shoulder holster. Curst be it, curst be him, who receives the sharp end of my spear tonight. Curst be him, who hears of my song tonight, and curst be he too, who sees my shadow crawl into the evening. The walls are breaking; oh the river is breaking her banks. Run and hide behind thy dykes. Take thy wives and children and shield them with vanity, for the water is coming in, fast and full of fury. I have served enough time in thy prison, and I have lost enough time behind the walls. So let it be cursed, the day we met. Let it go down in history, the day our paths crossed, as the day my world came to an end. Let it go up in flames, the memories we forged. Let misfortunes land upon that day, and like a swarm of ravenous locusts, let it consume the day as it was, eat it whole and the tatters too. Let it tear apart and float in desecrated wind like a forgot
Yardsticks Thy yardstick, long and wide, and once I saw it I knew I could not measure. I took thy shoes and stuck my legs in, and they slid into a sea of nothingness. Yet I gave up not. I chased after thee, my own tail. I played your game and laughed at your words, till they lost their taste. I was in love with thy virgin self, dripping with innocence and naivety, and I was of the crave, to pierce all corners none had ever seen, to be the first to conquer lands yet known. I laughed at your mistakes till they became a bane. I loved your curves, but sadly every passing day they became creases, and time was catching up with you. So I was in love with flesh, but with time they became bones, and my patience ebbed out till it was no more, and I was of the question whether to have and hold or to have and let loose. It took too little a time for your words to become empty sayings. I had seen every corner and touched every curve, and sadly you no longer were sweet of taste. You became a regula