
Showing posts from July, 2017
An angel falls Look up and stand aghast, people of the universe. Hark, the sound of trumpets and running feet. Listen to the sounds of horses and swords clashing. Listen and hear; the groans of the dying and the dead. Look up and see; thunder and lightning strike at each other and darkness is quickly running in, to fill the space abandoned by light. Alas, a war is being fought. The stars have fled the sky, and the clouds have folded within themselves. Listen to the sounds of war, of gods fighting against each other, of angels running their spears through each other’s ribs. Cower in terror, fellow men for today, an angel falls. Someone sound the alarm, and tell the living and the dead that today another angel falls, shrouded in misery and shame. The end has come for another star that once shone. Let the moon turn red and the sun dark, for an angel will be fallen, desecrated and abandoned. We shall cry for him when he hits the ground, the beloved is no more loved. Lucifer, beloved of Go
In the sea of her blue eyes On the door of her heart I found a mat full of mud, a path well trodden and boundaries long broken, but my shoes carried not much mud, and my legs had not walked long, so I took it upon myself, to bring salvation upon her soul. I wiped her mat with tears from my eyes and I drew out the poison, cleaned her wounds. I found all the spots, that had been broken and bruised, and I embalmed her fissures and bandaged her soul. I gave her a shoulder, and an ear. I gave her my knees and lent her my all, oh I gave her my heart, with hope that when she finally got well, she would remember my open arms, and she would open hers to me too. Oh I was a fool, to convince myself that I was a hero, to scoop sand into my porous fingers, to grasp at smoke and hang on for my dear life. In a whole field full of trees, I chose to clasp at a single straw. I watched her day and night, till slowly her lips started moving and the long lost beauty found its way home. She gave up her bo
An elegy When it arrived, the news of bereavement, I was home. When the bearer arrived, and told me that the gun had gone silent, and the recoil had claimed the shooter, I did not hung my head or dab at my eyes. When I heard that he had finally let go, I did not see sorrow but relief. I did not see an end, I saw a beginning. When the news arrived I knew that the battle had been won, and the victory was his. Oh I knew that the wings had come of age and the bird had finally taken to the skies. But who are we kidding? You have left us with a weight heavy and uncalled for, but we refuse to lament its press. You have left us with shadows, but we refuse to say that we are shaken. Fear has become our second name and we worry about who would be next, but mind us not. Send a light when you get to the top, so we too can see the ladder, for sometimes we do crave to clamber on to the top, just to be with you, to taste from the cup of victory. Oh I shall lie not. I have become a man sad and miser
Golgotha On the side of the great hills she stands, Golgotha, astute and proud, basking in the glory of her betrayal and smarting in the afterglow of murder most foul. Glowing in the dark, her breasts heaving up and down with the afternoon wind, a woman in labour, giving birth to a burden of grief. Golgotha, your time has come, for the basket craves its sheaves. You brought it upon yourselves, when you lusted after his cloak and claimed the crown on his head. You called it all upon thee and thy children, when you claimed a kingdom that was not yours. Deep down you knew that you were nothing without love but you still chose to pick hatred. From a basket of ripe fruits you chose one full of worms and served it up for your children. You washed your faces with the blood of the slain lamb. Why did you become deaf to the cries of the man, and blind to the tears of he that bore the tree? Curse upon thee, land on the hill, curse upon thee. Let the shame follow you every day, and haunt you in