I am calling you

It is late, I know it is late, for the sun has gone down and the moon is too shy to peek out. I am calling you, for I can wait not till morning. The night is too long, and my tongue is scorching to say. Open the door and listen to the little I have, for today I must say. Where art thou? Where have you nested? Oh lady, I fear not thy knife, and I do not at all tremble before thy whip. I fear not the sword that slays all around. Oh your field of love is the field of war, where scores you settled and got even with the hearts of men, that you smote and scattered like ash to the wind. My heart craves to be the last that stands when you have thrown the rest to the ground, for I have brought upon myself this affliction. Let me bear the pain of your lashes, for I answered to the call, I am not too stiff to bow, neither is my tongue too heavy to call out loud, and my heart is not too tattered to gather all the last bits and stitch them together. Allow me to be the man in the middle of the circle, again. I remember the day you walked away, and you left me out there lost and alone. Oh you breeched my innocence and broke my virginity. What still have I to hold on to? What more have I to lose? I walk every day collecting fragments of thoughts and memories that broke when you let go of my hand and ran away from my touch. I am calling you who left me bereaved and in mourning, hungry and in need. I have never forgotten you, for my scars sing everyday, of the lady I danced with, alone and in the night. I am calling you again, for my heart craves your pain and my heart begs to be shattered. Oh come to me again, before the scar heals over completely. I never stopped wishing for a night, just for you and me, to relive the brief moment that left both of us crumbling. I know that to you it mattered not, for you can afford such moments every night, but I am a poor man, who has to settle for memories and tales. Stay with me, love, stay with me. I am calling you. Return to me the fairytale that I had drawn up, for it was not to be, and return my innocence, for that indeed is all I had. I curse the day I met you for that is the day I lost myself, I lost my innocence and I lost my love. With time I found myself, but I never got to find my love. Now I am calling you. Come to me, and wrestle me to the ground again. Wrench everything out of my hands and dash my head against stone. I call you out every night but only my echoes volunteer the answer. Where are you now that I need you? I am calling you.


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