
Showing posts from June, 2017
I am calling you It is late, I know it is late, for the sun has gone down and the moon is too shy to peek out. I am calling you, for I can wait not till morning. The night is too long, and my tongue is scorching to say. Open the door and listen to the little I have, for today I must say. Where art thou? Where have you nested? Oh lady, I fear not thy knife, and I do not at all tremble before thy whip. I fear not the sword that slays all around. Oh your field of love is the field of war, where scores you settled and got even with the hearts of men, that you smote and scattered like ash to the wind. My heart craves to be the last that stands when you have thrown the rest to the ground, for I have brought upon myself this affliction. Let me bear the pain of your lashes, for I answered to the call, I am not too stiff to bow, neither is my tongue too heavy to call out loud, and my heart is not too tattered to gather all the last bits and stitch them together. Allow me to be the man in the
I dreamed a dream I dreamed a dream, some night when I was asleep, of castles of gold and towers of bronze. I saw trees that never lost their fruit and hills whose ice never yielded to the heat. I dreamed of a sun that never went down and playtime that never came to an end, stories that did not stop flowing. When I woke up, I found myself in my tower of desolation, with crumbling walls and a disintegrated future. Outside the window I saw trees rendered barren by the overnight storm and hills stripped bare by the merciless sun. When I was young I dreamed a dream that I would never die, but that was before my nightmares grew teeth and started biting. I knew of the tree of love that grew at the centre of the universe but that was before my heart was shattered and blown away a million times. When I was young, I wished to live forever but now, caskets conjure my demons and funeral wails raise my hair. I had a dream, oh I had one, but when I started growing up, and begun seeing the differe