Tonight I fall in love

Beware, lady. Beware of the bend of the day, the last seconds before the last embers of light go out. Beware of the sound, of shutters closing, and the deep sigh of a sun breathing its last. Brace yourself, you that caught my sight. Stand steady, you that conquered my heart. Whoever comes home tonight is not a man but a beast, starved and depraved. Whatever comes in tonight is not a gentleman but a freak of nature, locked and caged, kept away from all he wanted and forced to drink from the cup of solitude. Tonight comes a breathless soul, one that does not know how to land softly but to fall in hard and strong. Oh lover, stay steady, for I already am on my way. Oil yourself and perfume your hair. Wear the most beautiful of dresses and put on your dancing shoes, for tonight I give my heart and all. Tonight I wear my armour and walk into the battlefield. Get your gloves ready, and I shall get mine for a start, till we have to fight with bare knuckles. I am not coming in this time, like a meek lamb I have always been, but as a ram, fully equipped with horns and an attitude. I am not coming in like a petal. I am coming in like a thorn, not to soothe and please but to scorch and burn. I am not coming in to save and mend but to scathe and wreck. I leave the beach to join the rough sea. I leave the tiny breeze of the Manhattan and make a choice to head to the storms of Sahara. I have waited; oh I have, for a moment like this. I have prayed for a chance to purge myself, of the cold fingers of loneliness and the moist breath of hermitage. I have over time fallen in love with the shadows but here I am, walking into the light. Today I leave my little island and travel into uncharted territories. I leave my land of fertile soil and travel into that full of barren rocks. Tonight I shall not be so shy that I hide my eyes. I shall not come to give signs of subtlety and ambiguity. I shall look into your face and say it all to you. I shall hold your hand and lead you away from the crowd. I shall not come in like I did last time, cowering in your presence. I choose to be a fool this night, for I sure can’t help falling in love with you. Oh I am a beast uncaged, frothing at the mouth and breathing in rasps, wanting and needing, demanding and begging. Tonight I shall come with a song so deep and fertile that you shall turn to see. I shall come with a force so strong that it will sweep you off your feet. Let it be as it will but tonight, I fall in love.


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