
Showing posts from September, 2016
Where did you go? I am a walking carcass hoping for a wind strong enough to carry me away, a rain harsh enough to dissolve me into a lump of soil. If I could erase all these memories and go back to the days before I met you, I would. But how sad that I roll in torture during the night and burn during the day. Tell me, old friend, you who made me feel special and important, where did the wind take you? Should I cry for time that conspired against us or should I let you shoulder the burden? I have been reduced into a mess of tears and regret. I have lost my trust and my confidence, come to me, you who gave me strength and take me with you. Tell me I was dreaming and tuck me back to sleep. Smother me with the pillow so I will not wake from this, for what is life, when she that I adored and loved in equal measure walked out on me? Look at me now as I wade knee deep in mud and slime, look at me as I stretch my hands to take you back but oh how far away you are. Come messiah, before
If ever we fall If ever we fall, let it be known that the singer lost his voice and the guitarist lost his claws. Let the world know that the drummer forgot his tune and the dancers choked in their dust. If ever we fall, let the leaves shed off from their mother trees in the autumn. Let flowers not come out even when spring comes bouncing in. Let the waves stop wherever they have rolled to, and the world comes to a skidding halt. Let the clouds mourn us. Let birds chirp not in the morning. Let streams stop wherever they are and dry up, for who stands when a mountain falls? Which bird still hangs on to a tree when it is crashing to the ground? If ever we fall, let the people be told that the wind was too strong for the frail branches, and the chameleon too heavy for the withered twig. Let them be told that the flood was too much for the rice field and the ground too hard for the little seed to forge a root. Let lightning strike everything in its path and thunder roll all night ti
You seer I call out to you, who has been given the power to see. For you have in you a gift so strange and absurd. Tell me, how do you see the flaws in every right? How can you tell when somebody is wrong and how they can never be right? How do you know he is already a drafted candidate to the gates of Hades? How tell me, do you know when the master sends you to instil his wisdom in the hard hearts of men dead in the spirit and decayed in the soul? Tell me, you ripe soul who knows all, should I keep walking or there lies a trap ahead I do not know? Tell me, you seer, how do you see the speck in your brother’s eye and not the log in yours? Why do you see the dirt in your sister’s finger nails when she digs into the family dinner and not the murk on your palms? You with the gift of seeing, tell me, how long till you fall? How far till the gates you condemn other to beckons you? Are you yet to see the end of the road? Tell me, seer, what should I do to get some of the grace you a
Ask her not You with the sweet tongue and the mellow voice and a convincing lingo, you agent of destruction, branch from the tree of vile individualism, look at the pulp you have left behind. Is she the lady you found? Is she the woman you fell for? Look at her, a lady sad, lonely and lost in the middle of a complicated path, a woman broken and damaged. Sorrow like a cold necklace on a warm skin scorches her every night and day, a ball she swallows but cannot go beyond her throat. She does not know whether to laugh or cry. She wants to let you go so she can be happy again but the cup of sorrow does not want to empty. She knows she is falling, but what can she do yet the walls are too slippery and dark? What can she hold on to when in reality she is falling into a bottomless vacuum? Let not your curiosity be aroused when you see her sit at the window sill late in the evening. Don’t ask her why there are dry tear lines on her face, because her heart is breaking. Do not ask her w
Listen, young man Listen young man, you who thinks is full of knowledge and wisdom, for you sure know nothing. Come to the well and quench your thirst. Come and let the fires inside you be quelled by the cool taste of wisdom, for when you know is when you will know you do not know. Confuse not arrogance for wisdom, for he who has not conquered himself can never conquer the world. Crave for wisdom, like a fish craves for water, or an emu wishes to fly like fellow birds, for what is better than knowing what you did not before? Listen young man, you whose heart is full to the brim with the juices of rebellion and arrogance, the depth of water is not tested using both feet. Whoever swallows a coconut must fully trust his behind. Fight not with old men, seeking to impose your counsel on those who danced with your grandmother, for they have sure seen what your wild mind has never yet envisioned. Argue not when they feed you words oozing with unbridled intellect from the deep chasm