
Showing posts from May, 2018
I saw a stranger. He was roaming in the rain, and I made a cloud on my window, so he could not see me inside. I saw another, shivering out in the cold, and I doused my flame, lest he asked to come in, and partake of my warmth. I saw a beggar, with his bowl in the street, and I took mine out too, and my worst of rags, so he could not ask for some alms. I had food in plenty, and when I saw the hungry man, I sucked in my stomach, and walked past him. I locked my door, when I saw a poor child knocking on my neighbours’. I unleashed my dogs, when I heard the cane of the blind man tapping outside on the sidewalk, and he ran into the empty street. I laughed when I saw a man fall into a puddle, but I had forgotten that where I came from there was rain too. It made me happy, when my enemy was struck by a streak of bad luck, and the sound of lightning gave me comfort when the man I hated was wandering outside. I saw a man that had my debt of a few coins, and I rushed to the door, a club in